We are the gardeners of our Tree of Life
Dear Gardener, What a sad view of our beginning is to think we were thrown out of the Garden of Eden... I dare say, we were not banished from Eden - we merely forgot the password. Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash We did search for it since then. We discovered new continents, new species, new horizons and we even got into space but we are nowhere close to finding IT. We uncovered our history and we put the pieces together and yet... the Garden of Eden is still merely a long forgotten dream of a home. I dare you to forget for a second what you were thought and think of yourself as being in the Garden of Eden at last... your home... The place where you are complete, nothing is missing and the love, the life, the forces of being are are more alive then ever inside you. All the terrible noise of our civilization silenced by the power of bliss... a nurturing, fulfilling infinite bliss. Everything is available, yet nothing is neede...