The initiation


Today we should talk about initiations. 

Some, in the path of mastering the spiritual arts, have searched for and obtained those so called initiations, or spiritual potions as I would call them. They just help you open up a new world within yourself, discover a bit more about yourself and even put you a bit to the test; some, might even give you an extra boost of energy and inspiration to be more dedicated to your path. But remember, no initiation is going to give you what you don't already have.- It is a process where you accept (!) unlocking a new territory on your inner map  - it is more about letting your wall down and welcoming a new energy.

What you should know is the fact that there is one initiation that really matters - the one with the divine forces. After you've done the work and put yourself together, found and finally understood yourself, after you can truly be in the present without the past holding you back, after all that you are ready to let your walls down for the divine energies to enter your heart and mind. It's true... they've always been there, but now it is time to let them in. 

The problem is that we spend our lives trying to control when and how the divine enters our life. We put conditions, we give directions and we fight them and we even force them to act in a way that fits our limited perception of them. They are, by all means, beyond our understanding and yet we try to force them into a role we created for them, where they have to be good to us in a way that we understand (in a very limited way). Oh, we think we know everything... Like a child giving instructions to the doctor on how to practice medicine ...

The true initiation, and the only one that counts, is when you realize that there is no point in building walls between you and the ocean of divine forces, for you are a fish and the ocean cares for each and every creature in it.

The initiation is opening your authentic self to the divine.

Photo by Gerry Juwono on Unsplash


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