New world, new responsibility

 Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

My dear companion,

We are at last at the beginning of a new world and the enthusiasm, excitement and hope are in the air. 

We have invested so much into this new world that we made it our savior : the answers to all our questions, healing, gifts and magic are all going to simply fall from the sky and make everything better. 

WE should know better ! What this new world offers is a new potential. There are now new energies available, that's true. They also bring new possibilities. The bad news is that none of them will matter if we do not do the work. 

Now, "the work" might mean different things for different people. In general, it concerns inner work and taking responsibility for the disasters in our own little world. We are the Gods in the universe of our lives and we cannot use our powers of creation until we take responsibility for what we've created. We need to patch the wholes, fix what's broken, let the air in and clean the space. 

After years of dreaming of a new world, now it's time we create it. This is where the outer work comes in. 

My advice is :  stop meditating and start creating, start building ! Be here and now, let God come along the way, apply what you've learned, manifest your potential, use the new energies and build the world that will save you.  

It's your way.



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