Ode to the Elements - Part 1 - Air
Dear Spirit,
How very ungrateful we are to this world's father - the air. He feeds our body and soul in ways we don't even comprehend.
He ensures our survival. He feeds us all through and through. He is connected to us every moment of every day, and yet we pay little to no attention to it. Even in meditation - the breathing is just an instrument for our connection to the place we came from (let's assume it's heaven). But we are here and now and as our dear friend Jesus said:
Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him. ( https://biblehub.com/mark/12-17.htm )
Before we even dare to think we can really understand God, and be in any kind of connection to Him, we should start feeling, understanding the nature of this reality.
The air is not only crucial to any kind of life on this planet, he is also the greatest magician (sorcerer) ever known and even the greatest artist. Doesn't he carry the smell of the flowers, doesn't he paint the sunset. Aren't there clouds that amaze us, does he not carry the waves of sounds?
Besides shaping life - which is a wonder by itself - he directs a spectacle every day : leaves dancing in his arms, rainbows from his smile, painting in the sky, dramatic storms and thunders.
We are part of this world's art, where he is one of the forces charge. Make no mistake, the wonders you create are small, and the great part in them is done by the elements, other forces and in the end (and the beginning) GOD.
One must learn to respect the forces that allow our presence here and to Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.
Photo by Leio McLaren (leiomclaren.com) on Unsplash
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