Ode to the Elements - Part 2 Earth

 Dear colleague,

    Connecting to the earth element was one of my most beautiful experiences and one where I had the most to learn and understand.

    At first, I, like many people, tried connecting with nature and then  I understood that what we see as nature is only a product of the earth element (+ water, air etc.). I believe we must make a difference between Earth as a planet, and Earth as an element. 

    It is a feminine element, nurturing, wise and very profound. Once I connected with it I was taken deep underground and felt the vibrations, felt the force of "the steady", the grounding, the "life giving force". There was also a kind of ancient wisdom there, waiting to be tapped into, which I found very odd since I felt wisdom connected to the other elements. This is how I began understanding that they all have their wisdom. 

    Unlike the other element, this one requested I connect first the the ground beneath me (as opposed to the earth in general), my country's own element and there is where the magic started to happen. You would think that the underground creatures would represent the "alive" part of the earth element, but it was in fact the crystals and minerals (but only those beneath my feet). I connected to them as part of the ritual and since then it seems the connection to this element is in form of vibration - a beautiful language I am only beginning to speak. 

       What I also understood was the fact that when connecting to any element, you do not have to ask, you do not have to expect to receive. Connection is about acceptance and gratitude : you accept the earth element as part of you and you give thanks for its contribution to life... and your life and presence to this plane of existence. The fruits of this connection are deeply influenced by authenticity of the intentions and the feelings brought into it. 

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

    Earth as well as water, the two feminine elements, thought me the respect we must have when it comes to forces greater than ourselves . Not because they demand it... We need to respect the elements in order to gain humility and to gain perspective. There are a lot of forces that contributed to our coming into this world and to us remaining alive so far and only by giving credit where credit is due can we understand life a little better and feel it a little more ...  Only by seeing greatness in the forces that created us can we see greatness in ourselves and who knows... maybe someday we will create greatness as well.

Stay grounded ! 


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