
Showing posts from December, 2020

God's advocate - Romanian

  Avocatul lui Dumnezeu   -         Voi nu il iubiti pe Dumnezeu. Nu il iubiti cu adevarat, pentru ca daca ati face-o, v-ati fi vindecat! Asa incepu Maestrul sa isi sutina argumentele in fata intregii omeniri. Inca nu putea sa intelegeaga cum a ajuns in aceasta pozitie si cum el, dintre toti oamenii, fusesese ales pentru aceasta misiune. S-ar fi gandit ca Dumnezeu isi va alege ca avocat un om care sa-l iubeasca cu adevarat, care sa-l placa cu adevarat si care sa il inteleaga, nu pe el, mai ales pentru ce s-a intamplat in acea seara de Mai. Maestrul era departe de a fi fost un sfant, insa se mandrea cu faptul ca a inteles cum functiona Universul, cel putin partea la care avea acces el ca muritor, traitor impotriva vointei sale pe planeta Pamant. Fusese atras de artele spirituale inca din tinerete, cand dorind sa demonstreze ca exorcismul unei biete femei posedate era o facatura, s-a vazut obligat sa cerceteze in detaliu fascinanata l...

God, my friend

Dear friend, We've run away so far from God that we no longer see Him, we no longer feel Him. We barely have a sort of feeling, that somewhere forgotten in time, we've experienced God. It's not only Adam and Eve that ran away from Him, being ashamed of their own humanity - it's us all everyday, and the Garden of Eden is within each and every one of us. We've turned our face from Him, and have rejected His gifts, but must of all, we've rejected His presence. It's true... He IS everywhere, but we... we have created our own worlds when we felt banished from His. The worlds and stories we created inside are the mist - own creation - that stops us from seeing His Kingdom, Such a big misunderstanding ... He's been calling us back ever since. He's said he's forgiven us. He has sent His Son to pay for whatever crimes we feel we've done. Only so that we could return to Him. And we don't... we still don't... Thanks for Photo by Davide Cantelli ...

The initiation

 Dear, Today we should talk about initiations.  Some, in the path of mastering the spiritual arts, have searched for and obtained those so called initiations, or spiritual potions as I would call them. They just help you open up a new world within yourself, discover a bit more about yourself and even put you a bit to the test; some, might even give you an extra boost of energy and inspiration to be more dedicated to your path. But remember, no initiation is going to give you what you don't already have.- It is a process where you accept (!)  unlocking a new territory on your inner map  - it is more about letting your wall down and welcoming a new energy. What you should know is the fact that there is one initiation that really matters - the one with the divine forces. After you've done the work and put yourself together, found and finally understood yourself, after you can truly be in the present without the past holding you back, after all that you are ready to let ...

In the service of others Pt. 1

 Dear one, One of the hardest lessens on the spiritual path was and still is how to truly be in the service of others.   I promised I won't bore you with clichés and that we will keep it sincere so there it goes. At first, after years of reading the good books, thinking the good thoughts and saying the right words, I thought I was and always have been good, kind and generous -  an angel walking the Earth. In a way, that was true. Was it coming from a good place? Not really. Were my intentions as pure as I thought? Not so much. You see, from the very beginning (and I mean early childhood), I set a very important rule for the journey I was going to embark on: I must always search for the truth, no matter how hard it is to see it. Of course, one cannot find the absolute truth, but one is responsible for his own little world and in that little world, there are lies, there are shadows and there are truths.                  ...

Day 1 on the job

Credit:  Dear Reader, I've known for a long time that it was somehow destined we meet. I suppose somewhere in the Universe something determined me to start sharing a part of my journey and some force brought you to read these words. I am here now, doing my work as part of this breath of change. I strongly believe that the real progress we make comes from what is raw and authentic within us and what I am going to share will be just that.  For those who are searching to illuminate their inner world and radiate the light in the mist of the world, I will share the "maps" I discovered and trace the steps. May we all find the path and walk it besides kindred souls.