
Showing posts from January, 2021

Ode to the Elements - Part 3 Fire

 Dear friend,      Unlike the connection to the earth element, where I had the wrong idea of what earth represented, connecting to the fire element was a challenge from another perspective. Fire was the strangest element to me...      I thought of the sources of fire in our material world, and the sources of internal fire. It was a bit off-beat at first but then I connected to fire on a deeper and deeper level.      Between the core of or planet, volcanos and the Sun the fire element is beautifully reflected inside ourselves in the fire of passion, initiation and faith. It is masculine, strong and flexible and unlike the other elements it is the once I can explain the least. It must be felt... and lived! The connection to it is difficult to explain but worth the trip.     After you connect to this element, you will understand why God is sometimes connected to fire, why initiations and the spiritual world, the mystical...

Ode to the Elements - Part 2 Earth

 Dear colleague,      Connecting to the earth element was one of my most beautiful experiences and one where I had the most to learn and understand.      At first, I, like many people, tried connecting with nature and then  I understood that what we see as nature is only a product of the earth element (+ water, air etc.). I believe we must make a difference between Earth as a planet, and Earth as an element.       It is a feminine element, nurturing, wise and very profound. Once I connected with it I was taken deep underground and felt the vibrations, felt the force of "the steady", the grounding, the "life giving force". There was also a kind of ancient wisdom there, waiting to be tapped into, which I found very odd since I felt wisdom connected to the other elements. This is how I began understanding that they all have their wisdom.       Unlike the other element, this one requested I connect first the the...

Ode to the Elements - Part 1 - Air

 Dear Spirit, How very ungrateful we are to this world's father - the air. He feeds our body and soul in ways we don't even comprehend.  He ensures our survival. He feeds us all through and through. He is  connected to us every moment of every day, and yet we pay little to no attention to it. Even in meditation - the breathing is just an instrument for our connection to the place we came from (let's assume it's heaven). But we are here and now and as our dear friend Jesus said: Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him. ( ) Before we even dare to think we can really understand God, and be in any kind of connection to Him, we should start feeling, understanding the nature of this reality. The air is not only crucial to any kind of life on this planet, he is also the greatest magician (sorcerer)  ever known and even the greatest artist. Doesn...

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

 Dear neighbor, When everything is going well, the sun is shining above us and we are surrounded by light in our lives, things are not always as clear as they should be. We sometimes attribute the light to the circumstances, to our surroundings, to other things and others. We rarely think where does the light come from. It is only when there's darkness in our lives that we think about the light and its source.  The dark night of the soul has a clear message. It is like  our soul has closed its eyes for a short time in order to truly connect with God, for it is only now that the source of the light can be correctly identified.  Photo by Nadiya Ploschenko on Unsplash Even   though   I walk   through the valley   of the shadow of death,   I will fear   no   evil,   for   You   are with me;   Your rod   and Your staff,   they   comfort me.   In our darkest times we need to search for the light. W...

The power of now

Dear Soul, Today we should talk about the present moment. You should now by now that here and now is where the magic happens.  The joy of living is a feeling that is deeply connected to the present moment. One might even dare say that during the most precious moments of our lives we felt alive only because we allowed ourselves to be in the moment, to be fully present.  It is possible that in some situations fully embracing the living experience is not the easiest and certainly not the most desirable. However, the present moment comes in many layers. Just like the sky we see, even if there are terrible storms, if you go high above you will see that there is a clear blue sky - still and calm. Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash The secret is that the healing, the regeneration, the great insights, the deep truths will have the greatest power when you allow them into your present moment.  You will know you have successfully lived in the present moment when you will feel a c...

New world, new responsibility

 Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash My dear companion, We are at last at the beginning of a new world and the enthusiasm, excitement and hope are in the air.  We have invested so much into this new world that we made it our savior : the answers to all our questions, healing, gifts and magic are all going to simply fall from the sky and make everything better.  WE should know better ! What this new world offers is a new potential. There are now new energies available, that's true. They also bring new possibilities. The bad news is that none of them will matter if we do not do the work.  Now, "the work" might mean different things for different people. In general, it concerns inner work and taking responsibility for the disasters in our own little world. We are the Gods in the universe of our lives and we cannot use our powers of creation until we take responsibility for what we've created. We need to patch the wholes, fix what's broken, let the air in and clean the...